
E-Commerce provider in China

China is a global leader in online sales, and we are a leading E-commerce provider in China.

E-Commerce business is on the rise globally. Several companies have seen its growth from the sidelines, wondering if an online business strategy is right for their business. And so, Zetman E.S.L. is a leading E-commerce provider in China.

Our eCommerce Strategy Consulting Services will help you answer the very question.

Utilizing IOT, integrated applications and mobile payments, Chinese consumers increasingly buy their goods on large online e-commerce platforms, such as JD.com (Jingdong), WeChat, Tmall or Alibaba. This development has not gone unnoticed.

Hence, our goal is to make your global expansion and your entrance into the Chinese market seamless through cross border ecommerce environment.

Being the leading E-commerce services provider in China, Zetman E.S.L. facilitates this by being your guide to setting up shop in China. Our extensive experience in the Chinese E-Commerce market, including all of the partners involved, provides you everything you need to know to get started in the Middle Kingdom.

Online marketplaces allow you to sell goods without the need for setting up your own online store. Selling through such online marketplaces provides a flexible business opportunity with relatively low start-up costs.

Various advantages of being on the E-commerce platforms are facilitates Overseas Sales, Lower Set Up costs, No Time Restrictions, Least Time Intensive, Better Margins, to name a few.

Check out some of our client cases to see how we have helped western companies enter the Chinese market.

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