
Rail Freight service from Zetman ESL

Rail Logistic Service in China – Freight Forwading though Railway Network

Zetman E.S.L prides itself for being at the foreground of logistical innovation through its Rail Logistic Service.

We utilize and cooperate with the Trans-Eurasian Railway initiative that combines Europe with China via an extensive railway network. Which in turn makes us fastest and widest Railway Logistics service provider in China.

Owing to this ‘New Silk Road’ has replaced the camels of old with modern trains, and connects Chinese cities with European cities.

The renewed Silk Road opens up whole new opportunities for cross-continental logistics and expanding your business reach.

Contrary to air cargo and ocean freight, the rail option offers a unique middle ground which is both fast and affordable. With only a transit time of 15 days and the option of cooled 20’ and 40’ container (reefers) (depending on the availability), this new modality provides a real innovative and cost effective alternative.

With the ability to transport a wide variety of goods, from flowers to high-tech electrical components, the rail option is exponentially growing. Its the greenest option too, if your looking to reduce your carbon footprint as well as keep your costs in control.

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